Join us for the monthly Peer-2-Peer Workshop for entrepreneurs, nonprofits and small business owners. This workshop held at the Lift Workspace in Truckee is cosponsored by the Tahoe Prosperity Center,…
Join us for this lunchtime talk with Dr. Nicholas Cohen, a Truckee local family doctor, as we delve into the critical aspects of cardiovascular health. You will gain insights into…
Starting with a whiskey toast, attendees will re-connect to the space of play when making art, and connect to each other in the process. Come prepared for silliness and creativity…
Our goal is to build community. Meet fellow members for a healthful salad bar lunch (w/chicken and quinoa - on the house) and help us discuss ideas on how to build a…
Discover the Power of Breath: A Breathwork Workshop Ready to tap into the power of your breath? Join us for an unforgettable Breathwork Workshop hosted by Tahoe Psychedelic Society! RESERVE…
This month Truckee Town Council Member and recent Mayor Courtney Henderson will be sharing Truckee's Climate Action Plan. Join us on the first Wednesday of every month for the Energy +…
Discover the profound impact of blood sugar monitoring on both your well-being and the aging process in this talk by Functional Medicine Nutritionist, Janel Ferrin Anderson. This presentation is…
The Lift Truckee Book Club relaunches in August with Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity, by Peter Attia, MD. This book is aligned with our goal of proactively improving our individual and community health. Join…
This month Truckee Town Council Member and former Mayor Courtney Henderson will be sharing Truckee's Climate Action Plan Join us on the first Wednesday of every month for Tahoe's…
Join us for a community conversation with Hardy Bullock, our District 5 Nevada County Supervisor and other elected public officials at the Lift Workspace. Hardy was born and raised in…
What do you want to create with your psychedelic society? Come join the conversation with the Tahoe Psychedelic SocIEty at the Lift Wellness Workspace this TUESDAY, Aug 8 from 6-8p. PoT…
Join us on the first Wednesday of every month for Tahoe's Energy + Climate Monthly Social. Each month we have one guest speaker. Great way to meet like-minded professionals working on the…
Meet fellow members for a healthful salad bar lunch (w/chicken and quinoa - on the house) and help us brainstorm how to build a world-class vibrant coworking community. Members, please pre-register here so we…
Join us for the monthly Peer-2-Peer Workshop for entrepreneurs, nonprofits and small business owners. This workshop held at the Lift Workspace in Truckee is cosponsored by the Tahoe Prosperity Center, Truckee…
What does the future hold for psychedelics and Tahoe? Come join the conversation with the Tahoe Psychedelic Soceity at the Lift Wellness Workspace this Thursday, July 20 from 6-8p. Bring a…
Join the community discussion! Our April/May book selection tackles the question "How can we thrive in midlife?" Author and NPR reporter Barbara Hagerty lays out the research and proposes practical…
Join the community discussion! Our March book selection explores Anders Ericsson's life's work studying how some people rise to the top of the top of their fields, and what it…
In the first book club discussion of 2021, we will dig deep into the re-emerging world of psychedelics. If you haven't read Pollan's book, we highly recommend that first. The bonus read is Stealing…
November/December's book is The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life, by David Brooks. In this best-selling book, Brooks explores how we can commit to moving from self-centered lives to other-centered lives,…